Winter Pruning

January is the magical time when we get to pause, reflect and do some deep thinking about what to focus on in the new year.  Perhaps we have some changes to make or things we know we want more of or less of as we walk forward in time, never really knowing how much is left.  In Oregon’s Willamette Valley, we are blessed with 4 distinct seasons.  While humans often go into semi-hibernation mode in colder climates, woody plants go into dormant mode.  This is the time to sculpt them and for fruiting trees, to do the work that will maximize and support plant health and fruit yield come summer.  We are home to 19 Stella cherry trees, 2 pear trees and 8 apple trees.  With the exception of one apple tree planted around 2002, the rest are over 50 years old.  When we purchased the property in 1999, it was from the 2nd owners of the property and they had lived here for 45 years.  The cherry trees were planted some time after the Columbus Day storm of 1962.  By all logical means, our trees are past their productive prime, but still producing.  Also on the list for pruning at the farm are blueberries, jostaberries, boysenberries, raspberries and our table grapes.  While table grapes have their own set of tricks, some basic principles apply with pruning:

Gather up tools and sharpen!

While I get anxious to just get out there and get it done, I must remind myself of the idea of working smarter, not harder.  What often comes to mind is Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” This year I took our chainsaws in for a winter tune-up and blade sharpening.  While there was still some tinkering that needed to happen, this was quickly traded back for efficiency while running them.  We have been piling our large prunings up for beetle banks.  While neighbors may not appreciate how these look, birds and decomposers love these!  They serve to mimic natures’s natural systems, recycle nutrients and contribute to a natural, diverse habitat.  This year it was time to chop up the old beetle banks to make mulch on the orchard floor and room for new piles.  Sometimes in terms of tools, it means upgrading or saying goodbye to one that has seen its better days and is no longer serving us well.  In our own lives, it begs a few questions.  Which tools are not serving a full purpose?  What might need to be traded out or replaced?  Are we tending to our tools?

Out with the old in with the new!

Remove any branches or stems that are damaged or broken.  Often times we will get in and do this in the summer, when it is easier to see any dead branches.  We did not get to it in the summer of 2024 and now it is difficult to see for sure if a branch is dead.  The next step here is to look for canopy branches that overlap each other.  We want to reduce the layering of branches to keep air and light in and reduce disease.  When I find overlapping branches, I look for the weakest or oldest branch and check if one of them is too low or too high in the canopy for easy reaching in order to decide which one to eliminate.  These are the things we need to let go of as we welcome the new year.  Sometimes it is hard to see them, unless you step back and check them periodically throughout the year.  Too much is too much, less is more!  When an old branch is removed, it creates room for new growth.

Open up the canopy, let the light in!

Shape the canopy up off the ground (bushes) and bring the canopy down (trees) for ease of care and harvest.  Blueberries often send new growth suckers that want to grow parallel or low to the ground.  Since this makes harvest difficult, they have to go, unless they are pointing in a direction that is beneficial and will replace an older branch.  Fruit trees send multiple suckers that shoot straight up in the air and those need to be removed at the base.  The center should be open and not have branches crossing over the middle.  Think of this as the nest of the tree, where the heart and mind live, safely surrounded by a neat circle of branches, with a clear line of sight to the sky.  It causes me to ask myself how my line of sight is.  Am I overcrowded by overlapping and criss-crossed networks that impede my ability to see and make full use of light and air?